On our 250th Episode, we look at positional battles and the likely winners as White Sox Spring Training begins. (Unfortunately, you'll only see 6 spring games on TV.) Ed and Chris exchange theories on what role Carlos Rodon will actually play this season. Plus, we also announce the first ever SOX IN THE BASEMENT FEST, and give a sneak preview before tickets become available! For Fans, By Fans, All White Sox for 250 times so far...and we've only just begin!
Brought to you by Family Waterproofing Solutions! Listen. Subscribe. Share. Call 708-459-8406 and leave your comments and questions for the next episode! Chris and his buddy Ed sit at his 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago to discuss his favorite team - The Chicago White Sox. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, EVERYWHERE podcasts can be found and ALWAYS at SoxInTheBasement.com!
Be sure to read the companion blog Mismatched Sox for even more coverage!
#30MinutesOfSox #WhiteSox #ForFansByFans #ChangeTheGame